Family picture

personally I like photos, taking pictures and seeing people take pictures. when I take pictures I don't always share them with other people, I just leave them for myself. ¡I don't know why I do it, but I don't like to show them!...

well...... this photograph represents me and I like it a lot!, with my family all the years we performed like 5 or 6 "curanto" (Umu it's said in rapa nui). The reason I chose this photo is because every time we do a curanto we get the whole family together, share and that makes me happy and it's part of my culture. It's a very big event, a lot of work is worked on and all the food is for the community (it's free).

people who are close to curanto is a small part of my family, because we are many... jajajaja 

the photo I think my friend took it, but I don't remember it well... this photo is from 2017, because in 2018 I wasn't there because I went to study in Santiago


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