
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

An expert in your field

Hi all! As you already know, you should write about a career related website or an expert in your field. I will talk about the mayor of Rapa Nui His name is Pedro Edmunds Paoa and he is the mayor of Rapa Nui and in recent months I have greatly admired him because he has managed to best manage the world crisis due to the coronavirus. As it is a small island, the airport had to be closed and that generated the loss of tourism and obviously the economy of the island. However, the mayor has generated several actions to face the lack of money, the first was to create the "Pro-Employment" that gave more than 700 people who lost their jobs due to the lack of tourism, also the creation of fairs where All the people of the island carry out their undertaking, and the most important thing for me is that they made all the efforts to close the airport and not that more flights with people arrive. He has shown me that everything is possible if you set your


Hi all! I hope you are good, Well this semester I had 7 subjects, this is my semester with more subjects for now and hopefully it will only be this and no semester more than it has been a little difficult since all the teachers send their tests, works for the same week, or send many and they are all after school hours and this makes me have less time. I do not have a favorite subject, I like them all the same way, but I have not spent time with all of them, because some need more time than others. However, all the subjects of this semester contribute to the Career, they are all connected in some way so that is very good since it makes the career more sense and if it made me to which area to direct myself to develop professionally. The subjects were very interesting, he has learned many things, but he has been very demanding. I have learned from seeing the difficulties of a process to generating an income statement on economic issues. I hope you liked this post about th

Experience of the subject

A goodbye blog, Well, during this semester we have developed new skills such as learning to use zoom, having virtual classes and many more. The English course has been a course where we have expressed ourselves through blogs, counting our thoughts and ideas regarding the different topics that the teacher has given us, getting to know us a little more through these. Honestly, this English has cost me a bit, but always try to do my best to respond to the demands of the class, to be able to speak presenting topics and doing activities. I have learned new skills, but I still have a lot to learn English hahhaha I find that by respecting the program that the university asks for, it leaves one side to teach a subject well before moving on to the other, I believe that this should be improved and be able to change it in the future, and that the professor can carry out his / her own English program. But I personally liked the course, I learned what is necessary for this level. This is a

Family 2.0

Hi all! What a great topic we have to comment today. Family for me is everything, I like to share, work and help them in everything they need. My family has influenced me in a great way, teaching me principles, good manners and most importantly, my culture has taught me to be Rapa-Nui, with the support of my family I have been able to achieve many things that are important to my training, but of course Not everything is rosy and I think they happen to all the families in the world. Here in Rapa-Nui as elsewhere (I think) the old families were very big, with around 15 children per family, but now that has changed and there are only 2 or 4 people, and in some families it has 7 but they are very few. . But that is not a problem, now people have other things in mind, they like having few sons and daughters, and an end of things that everyone thinks about it The family today no longer has an important value, I feel that most of the world does not find the family as something fundamenta

Family picture

personally I like photos, taking pictures and seeing people take pictures. when I take pictures I don't always share them with other people, I just leave them for myself. ¡ I don't know why I do it, but I don't like to show them!... well...... this photograph represents me and I like it a lot!, with my family all the years we performed like 5 or 6 "curanto" (Umu  it's said in  rapa nui). The reason I chose this photo is because every time we do a curanto we get the whole family together, share and that makes me happy and it's part of my culture. It's a very big event, a lot of work is worked on and all the food is for the community (it's free). people who are close to curanto is a small part of my family, because we are many... jajajaja  the photo I think my friend took it, but I don't remember it well... this photo is from 2017, because in 2018 I wasn't there because I went to study in Santiago