
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

My Future Job


My Expectations About The Future

 HELLO EVERYONE!! What an interesting and difficult topic for me I have always thought about my future and what will be of me in a few more years, and in 5 years I see myself working on what I am studying, traveling around the world (and I hope so). But it’s hard for me to talk about the future, I’m a person who likes to live in the present, and this maybe bad or good, but for me it’s okay. A lot of people ask me what I’m going to do after university and stuff like that, but I really don’t know yet.  But I would like to be working in any municipality to be able to help all the people who need support for the welfare of their families or work in the hospital, I feel that would be a challenge for me. I have many things in mind to do besides my study, but something I wish too much is to travel around the world, knowing new places, people, culture. In 5 more years I hope to be in my own house, with a coffee in my hand seeing how well it has gone and be happy and at peace. I feel li

My Favourite Time Of The Year

  ¡¡Hi everyone!! The next blogs talk about “ My Favourite Time Of The Year ” My favourite time of the year is Winter for ever.  I love the cold, but where I live there’s no snow or cold temperatures. I don’t do anything interesting in winter because it’s so boring to spend winter on the island. But a nice memory I have is that in winter it always rains and a lot then when I was little with my cousins we played in the puddles that were generated by the rains or we bathed in the rain, were very beautiful times. Right now I don’t do any of that anymore, I just enjoy the rain in my house watching movies and eating chocolates and there are also times I don’t do anything and I stay listening to the rain (it sounds very loud) But something I’ve always dreamed of is spending Christmas in New York to see the incredible decorations they make at Christmas, to see the snow fall and that this all white and very cold, is a dream that I still can not make reality but one day I will fulfill i