
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2020

My college career

Hello Everyone!!! I tell you a little bit about my college history Actually, I don't remember what I wanted to study when I was younger, I think I wanted to do a lot of things like all children... When I decided to study Public Administration, I wanted to study various things like Law, Commercial Engineering or Public Administration at USACH and at the same time I did not want to study and i would stay on the island to work.  I was very indecisive about which career to choose, but I also had other things in mind (things I don't do yet), but as they say out there the opportunities are given only once... and with the opinion of my mother and someone else who told me that if I wanted to help the island, a good option for that was to study Public Administration . my experience at univerisad has been good as bad. In the bad things is being away from my family, my friends and much more hahaha and in the good is that I am learning new things, meeting