My favorite Technology
Hello Everyone! The truth is that it is very difficult to say what my favorite technology is, since there are many that I like and use them very often, an example of it is the music speaker, I really like to listen to music. If I could listen to music all day, I would, but I couldn't do anything because I'd just concentrate on just listening to it. But I also like to occupy my cell phone to watch social media, listen to music. In resmen I like technology, the new things that come out. To get these things is a tremendous sacrifice hajjaaja, or I have to buy them with my money, or borrow money from my mom so I can buy them. But how much work on vacation isn't that hard to buy my stuff. I'm too old for my family to buy me things :( However I do not depend on technology I can perfectly live without it. There are many times I get bored and I'd rather do other things than be all day on my cell phone or watching TV. That's technology for me,...