
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020

My favorite Technology

Hello Everyone! The truth is that it is very difficult to say what my favorite technology is, since there are many that I like and use them very often, an example of it is the music speaker, I really like to listen to music. If I could listen to music all day, I would, but I couldn't do anything because I'd just concentrate on just listening to it. But I also like to occupy my cell phone to watch social media, listen to music. In resmen I like technology, the new things that come out. To get these things is a tremendous sacrifice hajjaaja, or I have to buy them with my money, or borrow money from my mom so I can buy them. But how much work on vacation isn't that hard to buy my stuff. I'm too old for my family to buy me things :( However I do not depend on technology I can perfectly live without it. There are many times I get bored and I'd rather do other things than be all day on my cell phone or watching TV. That's technology for me,

My first Blog

My biography  Hello My name is Maria.-Victoria i was born on Octuber 04,1999 on Easter Island, i am Rapa-Nui and i have lived all my life on the island. My elementary school was called Lorenzo Baeza Vega and when i passed high school i went to Honga'a o te mana school, the best school i could have ever gone. a school in the middle of the trees, with very large spaces for all the activities that there were. I have one sister and her name is Vai Tiare, i live with my maternal grandparents. In my hobbies i like to go to the beach, go to help my grandparents plant vegetables, go out to parties with my friends and do some sport, I've always loved doing a lot of things, i don't like to be doing nothing and i also like to watch movies. bye bye.....